Monday, December 17, 2012

Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup-Gluten Free and Mostly Organic!

Being want comfort food. A cold, the flu, just feeling under the weather-whatever the case-often chicken soup is what we crave. Last month when I was sick, I bought many brands from the store of gluten free-ish versions. Chicken with rice, chicken with gluten free noodles, etc and they weren't all tasty...but they were all filled with weird chemicals. Yuck! 
This time I am sick and I decided enough is enough with the canned soups! I asked my husband to stop at the store and get a few ingredients to add to some things we keep on hand. Then I quickly made the most delicious gluten free and mostly organic Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup. I feel better already. 
Make some for yourself or a sick friend next time they need some comfort!
Signed, Charlese

Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup-Gluten Free and Mostly Organic

2 Large Organic Chicken Breasts, chopped into chunks (Coastal Organics from Costco)
4c to 32oz Organic Chicken Broth 
2-3c Hot Water
4 Large Organic Carrots, chopped
3 Organic Celery Hearts, chopped
1 Package of Rice Noodles (we used Trader Joe's  Korean refrigerated Fresh Rice Noodles)
Ingredients my husband bought from Trader Joes
Seasonings: Salt, Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Garlic, Thyme, Basil, Oregano
Also: You will need a 4 quart or slightly larger soup pot with a lid.

Start by sautéing the chicken chunks in the pot until mostly cooked through. Add seasonings you desire to the chicken, reserving thyme, basil, oregano and some salt for the broth.

Add carrots and celery, broth and water leaving a couple of inches at the top of the pot.

Next add the dried herbs, about 1 tsp of each, and stir. Bring the soup to a boil, then leave heat on low to allow simmer for 20 minutes.

Read your package of noodles and determine if they need to boil for 2 minutes or 10. Break or cut the noodles into the desired size, then add them after simmering and cook for time required by manufacturer.

Serve when ready in a large bowl, preferably with a piece of gluten free toast! This will yield about 6 servings.

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